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Friday, July 8, 2011

My steamy new toy

At our condo in Seattle, fairies magically clean the floor. 

At our cabin in Montana - the miles and miles of hardwood, tile, and laminate flooring are cleaned by yours truly (okay, okay - I "clean" them and Ed cleans them).

Therefore about a month ago, with all that hard labor looming on the horizon, I decided to pick up a Bissell Steam Mop.  

After taking it for a test drive last weekend, I can attest it works as advertised.  The mop was easy to put together and fill, heated up in less than a minute, and worked wonders on the floors without a chemical cleaner.  I'm telling you - there was some nasty-dirty-gunk on those floors, and my steamy new toy cleaned it up with little effort.

One other positive - the mop uses very little water to clean, so you don't have to worry about damaging/warping your hardwood.

Note: if you want to seal your floors after cleaning and give it a shiny gloss - check out Pledge FutureShine Floor Finish.


  1. I'm checking this out. We need a hardwood floor cleaner. I was looking at the "Shark" but reviews are only so-so.

  2. Cool! I seriously would just hold it over the really gross stains, and hit the steam button to get them out. It made a "damaged" looking floor look perfect.
