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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Racking up the Beauty Insider Points

My skin (my combination, sensitive, prone to break-out skin) has always vexed me.

At this point in my life I've basically beat it into submission - thanks to a combination of $$, trial and error, and Sephora

Although - it still acts out.  The hubby likes to tease me b/c contact with nature, foreign skincare products, and unfamiliar detergents will immediatly make rosy rashes appear on my cheeks and hormonal surges always lead to little unwanted appearances (urgh!).

I should also mention that I've been obsessed w/anti-aging products since my early 20's.  I hope my preemptive strike pays off in the long-run.

If you have evil skin like may want to check out some of the products below.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, I was going to do a blog post about skin care, specifically eye wrinkles. You are never too young to start wrinkle prevention!
    But I've found a lot of good skin products at Costco for cheaper than normal, and lots of good stuff from Avon, where you can read tons of reviews from other people.
